So much has happened since I have last posted. Life got quite busy and I missed posting about a lot, I'm sure, but I just needed to take a time out. So, here is finally a post to keep you up-to-date with some of the goings on in my life.
One of the biggest changes lately is that I started a "big girl" job as a full time preschool assistant teacher. I was beyond excited to start this job! After spending four ears getting my bachelor's in Deaf Education, then deciding that was now where I wanted to be, I began pursuing my degree in Early Childhood Education. I realized that I did not want to spend the next almost three years working part time and going to school full time. I wanted to start teaching.
That's when a door was opened to me by my boss. At work they were needing to fill a position for an assistant preschool teacher and my boss let me know of an online master's program that led to teacher certification. After much research, praying, and discussion it was decided that I would begin this online program and start working full time.
Now, this boring story leads me to what I really want to talk about. The love of teaching. I do not work in an easy classroom, to say the least. These kids have improved so much in their behavior since before Christmas, and for that I am thankful and proud, but they still have a long way to go.
Today I left work frustrated and disappointed. We had a bit of a rough afternoon. I got yelled at. Kids made angry faces at me when they got caught "breaking classroom rules." Kids went a little wild. Here's the crazy thing. I'm still excited to go back tomorrow.
I think one of my favorite times of the work day is first thing when I walk in the door. I have 14 wonderful, smiling faces greet me. Several run to give big hugs. This morning a little sweet smile looked up at me and said, "I missed you!" It's like the craziness of the day before never happened. The slate was wiped clean. Today is a new day, a new chance.
Not only do I love the hugs and sweet words, but I love seeing these children grow. Some of these children I have known since they were less than 2 years old! Now to see them as 4 year old children is just amazing. I love seeing a child finally use their scissor successfully or figure out how to write the letter "J." I love hearing a child tell their mom, "But mom, chocolate is bad for your teeth! You can get cavities" meaning they actually paid attention during our circle time discussion.
Sure, these kids push my buttons. Sure, I am exhausted when I leave work. People tell me that I am brave for working with this age group. That might very well be. But there is no job and no place I would rather be than in a classroom with these crazy kiddos. Although I would not mind having more fun days than rough days *wink.*